Monday, February 13, 2012

Reasons for choosing metal roofing for commercial and barn roofs in Charlotte NC

charlotte nc metal roofs
People in Charlotte NC are considering getting metal roofing for their commercial roofs or metal barn roofs. This is because they happen to know a thing or two about the superior quality of metal commercial roofs and metal barn roofs. Many are discovering that the superior benefits of metal roofs far outweigh the initial cost for installing one, which, in the long-term, can save you money in roof repairs or replacement. Is metal roofing right for me? Consider these facts about metal roofing:

Metal roofing is extremely durable. The best modern commercial roofs and barn metal roofs can resist damage in winds as high as 120 miles per hour.  Snow and hail pose little threat to metal roofing, as well. In fact, metal roofing is the superior choice for people who live in areas that could be susceptible to a hurricane, such as Charlotte NC. Furthermore, commercial roofs with metal roofing have some of the highest fireproof ratings in the roofing business.

Metal roofing guarantee. The best metal roofs receive a guarantee that last as long as 50 years. Plus, when you choose metal roofing for your barn or business, in a lot of cases you can simply place the roof right on top of the old one, which significantly reduces the amount of time it takes to install the roof and the amount of trash and debris that need to be hauled away and could pose a threat to the environment.

Metal roofing in Charlotte
Business owners and farmers can benefit from their new commercial roofs and metal barn roofs when installed by Advanced Roofing and Exteriors, Charlotte NC roofing company. If you are wondering about metal roofing as an option, contact the expert metal roofers today to answer your question: is metal roof the right choice for me?